Sign up below for my Newsletter to have your two free 8.5 x 11 Title Blocks Delivered Right to your Inbox.
Don’t Worry I don’t send Spam, just updates about the site and useful AutoCAD Tips.
Looking for a Full Title Block Template and more Title Block Size options for your drawings?
Check out my full Title Block Packages:
Gold Package: $65 (Best Value)

Everything from the Silver Package Plus:
(Full Size Sheets) Bonus: Includes 2 Different D Size (24 x 36) Landscape Title blocks
Both come in Imperial and Metric
Comes in 8 .dwt files (metric and imperial for each template)
Email Support/Help
Silver Package: $45 (Most Popular)

1 Title Block Style w/3 Variations– A modern and sleek title block with 3 variations including: text along bottom, text along top and text down the right side (see picture to the right)
Page sizes included:
8.5×11 Landscape & Portrait
8.5×14 Landscape & Portait
11X17 Landscape & Portrait
12 x 18 Portrait
Comes in 6 .dwt files (metric and imperial for each of the 3 variations)
Email Support/Help
Paypal and Credit Card Accepted
For other Title Block Package options click here!
A Little About Why I’m Giving the blocks out for free:
I was working on a freelance project for a regular client of mine just adding the finishing touches to the title block before sending it off to him when I had a thought. Why don’t you see more title block options available online especially free ones?
Now I understand that people don’t normally like to give away their secrets especially their uniqueness that is a title block. But still…
Why not share them a little more often with your fellow CAD users and peers? So as I was thinking about this I decided F#$% it I’ve wanted to make new templates for my freelance drawings, why not give away my current ones for free? I’ve used these 8.5×11 templates since just after I started doing small freelance jobs on my own. I only use these for my 8.5×11 work since these projects are primarily just small Reno jobs, garages etc. that are just for the city construction permits. They’re in both Landscape and Portrait, and I’ve pasted them into the layout for you as well as included them in model space if you’d like to change them or anything.
So feel free to change, update and use them to your heart’s content! The only thing I’m asking is a simple subscription to my news feed on the right of the page —>
This is to prevent random people from downloading them for the sake of downloading, and keep my bandwidth reasonable. So just sign up and the download links with be sent in the confirmation email.
Don’t worry, I never send anything in the newsletter that isn’t useful, it’s mainly tips and tricks to being more productive and saving time, plus sometimes there’s even free stuff!
Oh and if you’d like even more title blocks (11×17 & D Size 24×36) options check out my Title Block Packages here that include more sizes and designs.
Here are what the free title blocks look like:
Watch the video below for info on Inserting and scaling the title blocks:
Also published on Medium.
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