Hey Everybody,
Hope you’re doing well and getting to enjoy a relaxing weekend to recharge from the week. I had a lot of ambitious plans for this weekend like yard work, building some planters, and even going boating, but as the weekend got closer, it seemed the weather gods had different plans.
I was able to get a bit done this morning before a full-on Thunder/lightning storm rolled in and likely canceled the rest of my weekend goals. While sitting on the deck watching the storm and looking for lightning with my kids I remembered an Idea I had added to my notebook a while ago about starting to post and send out a reoccurring recap of things I’ve enjoyed over the last month or so and wanted to share. It seemed like today was as good of day as any to start and I’m excited to share it with you.
I’m sure the format will go through some changes and tweaks but the overall aim is to share an interesting Read (could be an Article, Book, newsletter etc..), Watch (movie, TV show, Youtube video…), and Listen (Audio Book, Podcast, Song…) that I’ve enjoyed in the last month and would be of interest to all of you.
Let’s jump into the inaugural CAD Intentions: Reading, Watching & Listening to Things #1
I recently got around to reading a book I won/received in a secret Santa exchange game around Christmas and I’m glad I finally read it. It’s an easy read at around 360 pages and touches on technology, quantum physics, and questions past decisions. If you like reality-based science fiction and unique concepts I definitely recommend it!
Link to Dark Matter (Blake Crouch) on Amazon: https://amzn.to/36KRahs
With the first manned space launch from the US in about a decade just successfully taking place today, I recently rewatched The Martian. It’s one of my favorite space/sci-fi movies and if you haven’t seen it yet and are at all interested in real-world problem-solving in space, including engineering, botany and general survival skills, it’s a must-watch! I also recommend the book highly (The Martian book on Amazon), I read it before the movie came out and enjoyed it even more than I enjoy the movie.
Watch the Martian here: https://amzn.to/2XgbnZp
If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the 99% Invisible podcast before it is certainly worth checking out.
From their site: 99% Invisible is about all the thought that goes into the things we don’t think about — the unnoticed architecture and design that shape our world.
I’ve been a listener for quite a few years now and am always surprised at the time, effort and thought they put into each of the episodes. Even topics and subjects you wouldn’t necessarily think would be interesting, they find a way to pull you in and give you a reason to dig deeper after the show.
One episode that was interesting and particularly relatable to my field in Civil Designa and working with surveyors daily was, Map Quests: Political, Physical and Digital.
Check out the 99% Invisible podcast here: https://99percentinvisible.org/
And the Map Quests episode here: https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/map-quests-political-physical-and-digital/2/
That’s all for today, I hope you all enjoyed this new style of post and continue to follow them. Be sure to subscribe to continue toget updates from the newsletter Signup Here (CAD Intentions Newsletter).
As always, thank you so much for reading and watching, I am super excited to be back and posting regularly on the blog and hope you all will follow along.
Cheers and happy drafting!
Just in case you’re new to the blog or happened to my jam-packed AutoCAD Productivity Webinar, it is available for download right now at 25% off for CAD Intentions readers.
In the 1 hour long video I’ve curated and combined some of my favorite productivity tips, tutorials, and techniques that I’ve learned over the last 15 years of drafting in AutoCAD. I know you’ll learn a lot and will certainly come away with a bunch of great tools in your CAD toolbox.
Blog readers can get 25% off right now on Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/l/oPLLa/CIBLOG1
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