In this video I go over how to use the design center toolbox and command (simply types “adcenter” and hit enter to start the command) to easily copy or transfer blocks, linetypes, fonts, layouts and more from one drawing into drawing (.dwg) quickly and very simply. This can be extremely […]
Tag: Autocad
Autocad Perfomance: Slow Start up Help
Earlier this month I got an email from the company IT department asking if I had any tips or things to look for to help speed up autocad start up speed, and overall performance. Apparently a fellow cad user in another office was having slow start-up and choppy performance, he […]
AutoCAD Tutorial: How to Join Lines using the pedit command
If you’ve ever needed to combine your individual line work in autocad then chances are you used or at least needed to use the ‘pedit’ command. The process is fairly simple. Type in ‘pedit’ Hit enter Use ‘m’ enter to select multiple line segments Select all the lines you would […]
An AutoCAD Cheat Sheet and Being More Productive
If you’ve been a subscriber to my newsletter (you can subscribe in the sidebar;) ) for a little while you already know how much I like productivity tips and tricks. I try to include one in each of my newsletters. When it comes to drafting and especially freelance cad work […]
How to Insert and Georeference a Google Earth Image in AutoCAD
Update: I reacently made a new updated version of this video with a quicker and easier way to import a georeferenced Google Earth Image into AutoCAD. Check out the new method and video here: Insert & Georeference a Google Earth Image – Plex.Earth Update Today I was asked how to quickly bring […]
Make an AutoCAD File Smaller: 6 Tips You Need to Know
Recently I ran into an issue when trying to send some CAD files (.dwg) to a client of mine, his email would only accept up to a 10mb file. While most of the time I would just ftp, or host it for him to download, this particular client is not […]
AutoCAD Tutorial: Xref editing and layers on-off
In todays video I go over how to turn off specific layers in an xref (external reference) without having to ever open the external drawing.This trick can come in handy when you’re working with big xrefs that have a lot of layers. You can easily just turn off the ones […]
Looking to Buy an AutoCAD Alternative? This is Your Guide
Frequently as an AutoCAD user I get asked “Are there any cheap AutoCAD Alternatives?” while on the inside my immediate answer is NO!!! Though I know that’s only because I’ve always used autodesk, I don’t go through a day without using one of their products and honestly I haven’t found […]
PDF List of AutoCAD Commands
There have been so many times that I have wished I had a quick list of the text commands in Autocad. You never know when you need one and just can’t remember what the command is. Use this list below or download the whole thing to have them just when […]
Where should I Buy AutoCAD for the Best Deal?
With each new year we get to look forward to a new version of autoCAD, and with each year I ask myself where can I get the best deal on AutoCAD? Now typically when the decision has been made to upgrade to the newest and best version of a software, […]