Brandon here and I’m back with a slightly different post today. I was recently sent a mobile workstation from HP to test out/play with and this post will be my review and thoughts on it, the HP ZBook 15 G3 Mobile Workstation which is a bit of a long name […]
Tag: Autocad
Convert a PDF to DWG – New Autocad 2017 Feature
Hey there, Brandon here and I’m back with another AutoCAD video. In this weeks video I go over a really great new feature in Autocad 2017 that lets you convert/import a pdf into a dwg and actually makes usable linework and text from it. In the video I walk through […]
What is the Best AutoCAD Mouse? – A CAD Gear Guide 2016
UPDATE: I’ve just posted a new and updated list of my Top Mouse Picks for AutoCAD in 2020. Check out the new article here and let me know what you think in the comments: In todays post I am kicking off my 2016 gear guides for CAD designers and drafters. […]
AutoCAD 2017 – What’s new and a Free 30 Day Trial
Hey guys, Brandon here and in todays post I’m going to do a quick recap of what’s new in AutoCAD 2017 as well as which feature I’m most excited for and to try out. If you were hoping for a new video tutorial, I plan to have a new one […]
AutoCAD How to Create Layouts – The Quick way and the Normal way
Another week, another CAD video! Have you been keeping up with the new videos? If not, leave a comment below or on twitter @cadintentions and let me know why, and what you would like to watch. Something like what’s on your list to learn, or even buy and I’ll make […]
Autocad Tutorial: How to Select all Objects in a Layer
Week 4… One whole month of back to back videos! I keep surprising myself by being able to keep up with a video a week lately and I’m having a great time making them, so if you have any questions you want to see answered or gear you want reviewed […]
AutoCAD Tutorial: How to Fill a Shape with the Hatch Command
Woo week 3 of New AutoCAD tutorial videos! It seems I’ve been able to keep up with filming and editing these, so if you have any questions you want to see answered or gear you want reviewed just leave a comment below and let me know! For episode 3, I’ve […]
AutoCAD Tutorial: Model Space vs Paper Space – What’s the Difference?
I mentioned in my last post that it had been a while since I had posted to the blog or a new video, and I said I was going to fix that and start posting more. Well, I am excited to say I’ve kept to it! I just uploaded a […]
AutoCAD Tutorial: How to Create a Linetype
Once again it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on my blog and it was really starting to bug me. I’d click over to the home page and it was an old post from months ago! I had been so busy with creating my first AutoCAD Course (check it […]
Course Announcement: Xrefs, Annotative Text, Sheets Sets.. How do they work??
Hey Guy and Gals! If you are subscribed to the newsletter then you may have already heard that I am almost finished making my first AutoCAD course “Create Better CAD Drawings”. If not then I guess you know now haha, I’m writing this as an updated on its progress as […]